For centuries every country in the world has dealt with organized crime, street gangs and many groups working towards tearing apart the world we live in.
Are the new breed of terrorists worse than gangs and the mafia? The answer is clearly yes. Before the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center and the September 11, 2001 attack the only terrorism that was a part of our vocabulary was the “home grown” kind. The devastation in Oklahoma City is a good example.
On April 19th, 1995 at 9:02 a.m. two AMERICANS, not foreigners, chose to set off a homemade bomb to devastate the Murrah Federal Building killing 168 innocent people. Though they were caught and tried in our judicial system, was true justice obtained?
6 years later in New York City, foreign born terrorism struck our country with incredible devastation. Hijacking numerous commercial airliners, these men from several countries struck a blow to our country that no organized crime ‘family’ or street gang could ever had succeeded at accomplishing. The 3000 victims killed that day were from over 90 different countries. Men, women and children of all ages and religions perished that day by the hand of foreign terrorists. The question most asked after the tragedy, was “how did they do it?”; the answer is pretty simple. Law enforcement agencies worldwide agree, that if someone or some group are willing to die for the cause they believe in, they are almost unstoppable.
Terrorism is everywhere. Street gangs are everywhere. Organized crime is everywhere. How do we protect our families, our friends and our country? This is the question that even today is unanswerable. However, proactive prevention methods are the best way to protect your assets.
My adult life has been dedicated to helping protect and defend our laws. I hope you visit my blog from time to time as I share my ideas and thoughts about what really is important in protecting our Homeland.
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THE BASICS; NEVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN. ALWAYS BE VIGILANT TO YOUR SURROUNDINGS AND MOST OF ALL, WE MUST WATCH OUT FOR ONE ANOTHER. Professionals as myself, can assist you with proactive, proven methods to keep your assets as safe as possible. You must be proactive or face the fear of threats.